Make a Wish

On Friday I had the honor of helping my dear friend toast her birthday at one of our favorite hot spots. As I lingered over a thoroughly yummy glass of wine, I stopped to gaze over the wide assortment of people who had gathered with the same goal in mind . . . to celebrate and give thanks for this magnificient, amazing young woman who brings such joy and comfort to all who are privileged enough to be her friend!
Then a thought occurred to me . . . HOW does she possibly balance all of these people, not to mention her own life challenges and obligations? Her life is so busy, so full . . . and yet she somehow finds time to be there, in such an intimate, soul-baring kind of way for all of us???!!!
And no matter what I throw at her, she handles it with the most perfect balance of grace, humor, and mischievous.
She is the one person who probably knows ALL of my shit (and I do mean ALL OF IT), and she loves me anyway. She makes me feel beautiful and sexy, and like I have lots of worth, even on my ugly days.
She gets me. Thank God.
And I get the gift of her . Thank God.
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