Thursday, April 21, 2005

Random Thoughts . . .

In lieu of an entry devoted entirely to one topic, I am opting for a page of random thoughts . . . things that either occur to me as bizarre, ironic, or just generally bug me lately:

* Books have gotten too expensive. I am making greater use of the library. After all, my ridiculously high taxes already are paying for it.

* Any chance of a "seat license" on a bus? This way, I'd be guaranteed a seat, and perhaps it would come with armrests? Wouldn't it be great if you could pick the folks who sit next to you? I can see it now . . . The Port Authority Draft!

* Hypocrites are really awful. A little self-examination, please?

* Folks who treat those couples without children as second-class citizens should shut the hell up! If one more inconsiderate "parent" makes a statement to Dr. J or I that includes the phrases of "when you have a family of your own, you'll understand," or "you don't have kids, so you don't know what it's like" both of us are going to FUBAR (see definition # 2) them. Hey "Parent," maybe you don't know what the hell you are talking about, and maybe you should not make assumptions about a couple's private lives! Certainly, this is a blog topic worthy of a entire entry in the very near future.

* The "Cigarette Fairy" does not exist! It's litter, and it's gross! Let's all start calling people out who throw their disgusting habit's trash onto the sidewalk, in the street, in flowerbeds, etc.!


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